Human values were considered the most important in ancient India. This country of
rich culture believed to be created by God, has full of values and virtues. Even the battles in India
was based on value. The war at kurukshetra was one of the fought at Dharmakshetram. Ancient
human society followed certain basic human values in their life. Our Rushis of the ancient starting
from Viswamitra to Swami Vivekananda and Sankaracharya to Sivananda taught their disciples
morals and human values through their teachings and writings. Ramayana, Mahabharata,
Sukraneeti, Vidura Neeti, Neeti Satakam, Arthasastra of Chanakya and Tirukkural of Tiruvalluar
contain morals and human values. Even modern world deals with several human values which
includes business values, medical values, professional values, educational values and cyber values
etc; according to the present social, cultural, religious and other sources to emphasis to the mankind
in various ways.
Human values mainly deals which seeks to decide norms, ideals, standards or other values.
Three important human values in our day-today life are truth, beauty and goodness, thinking feeling
and willing Satyam, Sivam and Sundaram. Kautilya says that Artha is the most important, Dharma
and Karma are both dependent on it. Which is followed by several human values like Truth, Nonviolence,
Brahmacharya and Secularism in the life.