Living with lupus is deadly! Adding fuel to fire is the occurrence of meningioma in these
patients. We describe 2 cases of meningioma from a large cohort of around 400 systemic lupus
erythematosus patients. Both the patients were middle aged females diagnosed to have lupus by
Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics(SLICC 2012) classification criteria with
disease onset at 29 and 39 years respectively. One patient had class V lupus nephritis and was on
high dose steroids, hydroxychloroquine and mycophenolate mofetil. The other patient was on
low dose steroids, hydroxychloroquine and azathioprine as steroid sparing agent. Both patients
presented with gradually worsening headache. Magnetic resonance imaging of brain showed a
mass lesion in both the patients suggestive of meningioma. Both were referred to neurosurgery
department and were operated successfully. Occurrence of meningioma in patients with lupus is
a matter of pure coincidence. We report this deadly combination as the occurrence of both in a
given patient is rare.