The great aim of education is not knowledge but action- Herbert Spencer
Child care, health factors, nutrition and the problems related to the underprivileged section is
the purpose of this research work. During the past few years one organization that has worked
towards the upliftment of these underprivileged children is the NIPCCD.; a voluntary premier
organization which is devoted to promote training and development of early childhood care
and development, health and nutrition of the young child and mothers, prevention of micro
nutrient malnutrition, early detection and prevention of childhood disabilities and learning
and behavioural problems of children and parent education. In this regard NIPCCD is also
taking initiative to provide training to the women section to fight against the discrimination
against the gender as it is their fundamental right. ICDS i.e. Integrated Child Development
Service Scheme an apex organization is also playing a pivotal role. Through the scheme of
Anganwadi, children of underprivileged section are provided with education, immunization,
health check-up, personal hygiene to monitor their growth and development. Through the
various programs like health and nutrition education (HNE) and pre-school education, these
organizations arrange various stimulating programs for these children.