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Eka Suaib, Sartono, Muh. Arsyad, Muh. Rusli, Peribadi dan La Patuju

The Study of Traditional Institution of Konawe Kingdom in the past was intended to reflect a fair and wise traditional leadership system towards the practice of democratic government nowadays. This research used constructivism paradigm centered on ethnographical methodology aspect as a qualitative approach (Denzin and Lincoln, 1994; Spradley, 2007). Unit of analysis in this research was the social elites living in area of Konawe Regency Government. The effort of data collecting in the field was developed through observation, indpeth interview, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and documentary study towards the dynamics of traditional leadership describing local democracy that has ever been practiced or done in area of Konawe Kingdom Government. The result of the research showed that the potret pf traditional leadership in Konawe Kingdom appeared into five phases, i.e.: Pre Osara in the form of settlement units (Okambo) under the leadership system of Toono Motuo; Pre Osara in the form of small kingdoms that were spread in some sector areas; Osara in a big kingdom with Konawe as the central; Osara after the fall of Konawe Kingdom that ended under the leadership of Lakidende; and Osara in the independence period until post reformation currently. In the above mentioned development of Osara institution, it emerged a system of local democracy called Siwolembatohuu and Opitudulubatu, primarily in the period of Tebawo leadership giving the autonomy to the four governmental areas.