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Women's Experiences and Reasons for Preferences to Home Delivery: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study in Tembaro District, Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's Region (SNNPR), Ethiopia

Getachew Shamebo (BSc, MPH in HE/HP), LAKEW ABEBE (MPH, Ass. Professor), MORANKAR SUDHAKAR

Homebirth is defined as women giving birth to a baby in their place of residence but worldwide women who experience childbirth at home are at high risk of approximately 60% of death, illness and delivery associated health squeal. Tembaro district is one of the districts in SNNPR, Ethiopia where in 2012/13 the majority (67%) childbirths were reported at home. The objective of this study was to explore women's childbirth experiences and reasons for preference to home delivery from women delivered at home in Tembaro district.